Profile payments



If you wish to perform MOTO or Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) without CVC or 3DS, see the [documentation] (

The profile payment function is used to save cards so that the user can use them for future payments without having to enter the card number again.

A saved profile card can be used in payments by providing the profile and card id when initializing a payment. Depending on the payment channel and your acquiring agreement, the card CVC (three or four digit security code) may still be required.

In order to be able to manage profile payments via the API, you need to save the card in a profile within the hosted checkout. See Saving a card in a profile for more instructions.

Using a Saved Card for a Payment

Step 1: Create order
To perform a subsequent payment, a new order for the payment must be created. Similar to step 1 in “Saving a Card in a Profile”.

Step 2 for card payment: Initialize payment
The second step for card payments is to call the initializePayment API method in profile payment mode.
The following parameters need to be provided:

- profilePaymentOptions: { 
        ¨profileId: PROFILE_ID, 
        displaySaveProfileCardOption": false,
        profileCardId: { 
               CardId: CARD_IDENTIFIER 

Step 2 for direct invoice: Authorize payment
The second step for direct invoice is to call the authorizePayment API method in profile payment mode.
The following parameters need to be provided:

- authorizationType=”ProfilePayment”
- totalAmount
- profilePaymentOptions: { 
        profileId: PROFILE_ID, 
        profileInvoiceProductId: { 
               InvoiceProductId: INVOICEPRODUCT_IDENTIFIER 

For more information, see the authorizePayment API call and the example in the right sidebar.

Step 3: Finalize authorization
When the payment has been authorized the last step is to make a call to finalize authorization which will activate the purchase.
The following parameters need to be provided:

	- orderId
	- transactionId
	- totalAmount:
	- lineItems

Manage profiles

Get customer profile
The Get Customer Profile service is used to retrieve information about a merchant customer profile stored at Paynova.



Remove customer profile
The Remove Customer Profile service is used to remove a customer profile and all related data stored at Paynova. API documentation for remove customer profile



Remove customer profile card
The Remove Customer Profile Card service is used to remove a stored card from a customer profile. API documentation for remove customer profile



Remove customer profile invoice
The Remove Customer Profile Card service is used to remove a stored card from a customer profile. API documentation for remove customer profile